btw consistency baby, 2 posts in a rowwwww what it dooooooo uWWwuuUuUUu.
HOW COOL IS IT to finally meet a friend you have had online for years that you knew from DAY DOT (love island accent) online that we would be even greater friends IRL? There is a certain sweetness when you and a friend have similar wavelengths and energy directions. The attention to detail we have to our hobbies is sucha comfortable place. I often used to (and occassionally sometimes still) find myself deep down second guessing if people really want to be friends (most especially bro friends and EVEN more especially leicamann bros) since I am so used to sort of filtering and really being incredibly selective of the people I choose to offer my time to hang out with on an in real life level. for some reason, i used to think it was so wrong to not……give 42069% of you, overclocked and overspilt, to everyone around you and leave yourself completely vulnerable to being manipulated and taken advantage of at solely your own loss for others gains. Thankfully, I have learned to be a complete asian grandpa about my time and i’m SOOOOO picky of who i give any time to. Anyways, back to the post, I knew Kevin vicariously for years when I was as deep into my (list any hobby here, really) car audio hobby as I currently am with Leica and cool ass film shit. There were sucha select select few people in the scene that were super into BASSHEAD (SPL), Sound Quality, AND the art of installing and tuning everything given the constraints of just about ANY car you build into. Even rarer were the amount of sub 30 let alone sub 40 year old people that even tickled the hobby. Being the typical Jon I am, I was forehead deep instantly. Working on cars with my homey Lance, we learned all sorts of ins and outs of car audio and tuning by just tons of trial and error with little to no budget other than sacrificing our food diet quality (let’s eat eggs rice and milk every day! ….jk nothing’s changed) and health for better DIY tools and speakers. Kevin had this BASS monster van that I had seen a few videos of (this was 10+ years back). For some reason or another we randomly connected on IG over Leica lusts and GAS attacks and started sharing the most niche fun facts about just about anything awesome. Dora said to me the other day something that I always love to hear is that, true friends really can pick up any time, effortlessly. Being blessed to have a friend like Kevin really helps with check and balancing the best parts of you bro-hobbies and also seeing the greater community concepts and social diligence aspect of our hobbies as well. Fast forward to now, and the Kevin came up to visit in 2023 to hang and do some camera swappage. We even got to do an awesome double date together with the wifeys. What more could you ask for?
long story short, the story so far; INCREDIBLY great, cool, tall, dark, handsome minds think alike…im pretty sure that’s the phrase right YUP no cap fr fr ong
the shots below are from a contax t2d with portra 800
pics below here are from the leica m10-r black paint and Canon TV 0.95 Lens with ND Filter